Unit of Spatial Planning


Regional Development - SPReD

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Evaluation in Spatial Planning (8th Semester)

The aim of this course is to elaborate on the theory and applications of the various evaluation methods and techniques available for the support of the decision process in the various fields of planning. Such fields involve decision processes where choice among specific alternatives has to take place in order to best serve the goals of the planning process. Evaluation methods and techniques have a broad range of applications in: regional and urban planning, environmental planning, transportation planning, water resource management, etc. The course consists of both theory and applications. Theory includes: principles of decision theory; types of evaluation problems; evaluation methods in spatial planning; quantitative evaluation methods (e.g. cost-benefit analysis); qualitative evaluation methods – multicriteria analysis; mixed evaluation methods, SWOT analysis, and finally project evaluation methods.







Obligatory Courses at the School Level

8th Semister

Regional Planning

Obligatory Courses at the Department Level

7th Semister

Economic Geography


Optional Courses

6th Semister

Spatial Policy and Regional Development

8th Semister

Evaluation in Spatial Planning

9th Semister

Theory and Methods of Participatory Planning

General Information

The Unit of Spatial Planning and Regional Development - SPReD in the School of Rural and Surveying Engineering gives five courses, as follows:

- obligatory courses at the School level – Course on ‘Regional Planning’;

- obligatory courses at the Department level – Course on ‘Economic Geography’; and

- optional courses on:
‘Spatial Policy and Regional Development’;
‘Evaluation in Spatial Planning’; and
‘Theory and Methods of Participatory Planning’.