Unit of Spatial Planning


Regional Development - SPReD

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Spatial Policy and Regional Development (6th semester)

The aim of this course is to provide background knowledge on issues related to spatial policy and regional development. More specifically, it explores the role of spatial policy for serving regional development goals. The course consists of both a theoretical and an applied part. In the theoretical part, the focus is on a range of issues such as: theories of regional development; the concept of the region – indicative regions’ typologies based on methodological aspects and development potential; methodological approaches for regional policy; levels of decision-making and planning; integration of economic, social and environmental planning; regional development and regional policy in Greece; regional development and regional policy in the European Union (EU); Spatial Planning in the EU.
The applied part involves the elaboration on various sectoral EU policy packages in order the students to get familiarized with the pursued policy goals through these packages.





Obligatory Courses at the School Level

8th Semister

Regional Planning

Obligatory Courses at the Department Level

7th Semister

Economic Geography


Optional Courses

6th Semister

Spatial Policy and Regional Development

8th Semister

Evaluation in Spatial Planning

9th Semister

Theory and Methods of Participatory Planning

General Information

The Unit of Spatial Planning and Regional Development - SPReD in the School of Rural and Surveying Engineering gives five courses, as follows:

- obligatory courses at the School level – Course on ‘Regional Planning’;

- obligatory courses at the Department level – Course on ‘Economic Geography’; and

- optional courses on:
‘Spatial Policy and Regional Development’;
‘Evaluation in Spatial Planning’; and
‘Theory and Methods of Participatory Planning’.