Μονάδα Χωρικού Σχεδιασμού


Περιφερειακής Ανάπτυξης - SPReD

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ReRisk Workshop II

European scenarios for 2030: Regional

development under rising energy prices

 28th of September 2009

National Technical University of Athens

The aim of Workshop II is to critically review the four preliminary scenarios produced within the framework of the ReRisk project. Furthermore, the activity may also help to integrate the results obtained from tasks 2.11 and 2.22 into the scenarios. The results of Workshop II will be a series of recommendations on improvements on the scenarios to be validated during workshop III.


ReRisk Workshop II

European scenarios for 2030: Regional

development under rising energy prices



28th of September 2009

National Technical University of Athens

9:30 Introduction to the case studies (Nordregio)

Patrick Galera-Lindblom

Lise Smed Olsen

10:00 Presentation of the survey (Nordregio)

Rasmus Ole Rasmussen

10:20 Coffee Break

10:35 Presentation of the scenarios (Nordregio)

Patrick Galera-Lindblom

Rasmus Ole Rasmussen

11:00 Review of the scenarios

12:00 Lunch

13:00 Review of the scenarios

14:30 Coffee break

14:45 Review of the scenarios

15:30 Integration of the cluster analysis in the scenarios (NTUA)

17:00 End of the workshop