Markatos Nikolaos - Chris, Professor, NTUA
Short CV - Publications
Chemical engineering educator, researcher, administrator. (University Rector). Born in Athens, Greece, 1/3/1944. Father Gregory Markatos, mother Katerina Markatos. Married to Christine Kroussa. Father of three children, Nicolas, Jason and Katerina Diploma Chemical Engineering at the National Technical University of Athens in 1967. M.A. in Business Administration at the Athens School of Economics, in 1969. Diploma Imperial College, University of London 1973, PhD in Engineering, Imperial College, University of London, in 1974. Process manager in Procter & Gamble Hellas Industry in Athens, 1969-70. Research fellow at Imperial College London, 1973-75. Group leader CHAM Ltd, London 1975-78. Technical Manager 1978-82. Reader at University of Greenwich, London 1982-1986. Director of Section of Mathematical Modeling and Process Analysis, University of Greenwich, London, 1982-186. Professor of National Technical University of Athens since 1985. Director Computational Fluid Dynamics Unit, 1986 -. Head of Chemical Engineering Department, 1990-94. Rector of National Technical University of Athens, 1991-1997. Senior Visitor, Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, University of Cambridge, 2002-.2003 Fellow, Selwyn College, University of Cambridge, 2002-.2003, Visiting Professor University of Surrey,2002-.Consultant NASA Langley Research Center, National Maritime Institute, Combustion Engineering Boeing, Brit. Leyland, others. Visiting Lecturer Computational Fluid Dynamics Unit Imperial College, University of London, 1983-86. Referee International Journal Heat and Mass Transfer, Transactions of AIChE, Chem. Engineering Process, others. Editor : Computational Fluid Mechanics, 1987, Internal Combustion Engines, 1990. Co-editor journal Applied Math. Modeling, 1985 -. Author 4 books, over 200 scientific papers in field. Contributor many Articles to scientific publications.
Chairman Acropolis Appeal for Peace, Civilization and Environment Protection; city councilor Athens Municipality. Served with Hellenic Army 1967-69. Recipient Certificate of Recognition Inventions Council NASA, 1980, others. Fellow Inst. Chem. Engrs. U.K. member AIAA, AICE, N.Y. Academy of Sciences, Technical Chambers Greece, University of London Convocation, Engr. Council Gt. Britain (chartered engr), Internat. Soc. Computational Methods in Engineering, Soc. Computer Simulation. Implement major projects in the Energy and Environmental Engineering fields. Awarded a Doctorate Degree Honoris Causa from the Institute of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy Sofia, Bulgaria, 1996. He is a Life Fellow of the International Biographical Association (LFIBA). His scientific interests include transport phenomena in single - and multi – phase flows, Computational Fluid Dynamics, computations of turbulence and their engineering and environmental applications.Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (FRSA). Home : 8 Kilkis & Scra St, 152 36 Athens, Greece. Office : National Technical University of Greece, Zografou Campus, 157 80 Athens Greece. E-mal address : of the Royal Society,UK.
Tel. +30210772 1724
+30210772 3126
+30210772 3127
Fax: +30210772 3228
Research Unit: Environment and Spatial Planning
Laboratory of Railways and Transport
Geographic Euro-Μediterranean • GEM • Research Unit
Computational Fluid Dynamics Unit
Giaoutzi Maria- NTUA
(Founder - Head of Unit)
Vlastos Thanos - NTUA
Georgopoulos Andreas - NTUA
Markatos Nikolaos- NTUA
Sellis Timoleon- NTUA
Siolas Aggelos- NTUA
Stathopoulos Antonios- NTUA
Psarras John- NTUA
Arvanitis Apostolos- AUTH
Mourmouris John- DUTH
Leontidou Lila - HOU
Kourliouros Elias - AU
Coccossis Harry- UTH
Marmaras Emmanouel- TUC
Lamprianidis Lois- UOM
Vescoukis Vassilios- NTUA
Gikas Vassilios - NTUA
Dimopoulou Efi- NTUA
Theodoraki Julia- NTUA
Bonazountas Markos - NTUA
Papadopoulou Maria- NTUA
Sagias Ioannis- NTUA
Psaraki Voula - NTUA
Dimelli Despina - TUC
Katsoni Vicky- TEI
Koutsiouri Georgia- NTUA
Dr. Rigopoulos Dionysios- NTUA
Grammatikogiannis Elias- NTUA
(Supervised by Prof. Maria Giaoutzi)